
Realism Is Not Pessimism

preach realism

Preach Realism Out Loud…. An optimistic person says, “I will pass the test.” The pessimist says, “I’m sure I won’t pass the test.” But the realistic one says, “I did three sections out of four, means I can pass.”

Realistic people are mostly counted in the group of intellectual human beings, and they always talk of logical ideas about stuffs they deal with. Neither they are like optimists to assume the wrong situation right and clearly to deceive oneself by covering the eyes to not see negativity, and imagining the pleasant events only, nor they are in the pessimistic company of people that always dredge out the bads out of goods.

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Well, realism is not pessimism. People sometimes mistake the tremendous difference between these two factors, and they simply associate pessimism with realism. As a matter of fact, the world is filled with bad news for if we take a newspaper or news magazine, and we will find it with reports of murder, robbery, wars, starvation, and all other kinds of tragic events. And these things are prevalent in the world today, but it’s ever feasible trying to make a positive imaginary cover over all those negativities and fighting against every real unpleasant thing happening around uncontrollably from within. This kind of mindset never works.

On the other side, pessimists are called those who are crawling in the mud of negativity, while optimists are the proactive ones who struggle to cope with their problems so hard and will not easily allow themselves to be pinned down by a wave of a little failure. Out of these two, optimism is way more preferred option to human beings than pessimism because there can be nothing gained from thinking negatively. And both ideologies fail standing against the solo reality. There are still people who are on the high range of optimism and they tend to be happier, healthier, and tackle better when life puts them in tough situations. It can bring us out a lot of advantages looking at the world through a positive lens and paying attention just on the things which are going on right. It is also possible to be unrealistically optimistic which cannot really lead us to the right path.

So it is certainly not helpful to us if we put a positive recap on everything or pretend that things are fine when they are clearly not. Maintaining a positive outlook on everything can never change our negative life, but if we try to come to know and realize which one of our bricks is actually gapped and unsteady, on that time we have made a great part of a successful life. Being realistic in the world of today helps us to encounter the real events in our lives and then we will understand what is where to face everything the real way they are. Sometimes staying optimistic discourages us so hard. It is often said that we should always look for the bright side in every situation, but following this ilk of pattern someday, somewhere will put us in the darkness of despair. Instead of thinking, people forget they are truly escaping from their difficulties and they coerce themselves into they world of optimism while they are just leaving their problems, anxieties, and insecurities behind their back so as to pretend they are gone and do not exist anymore. This is not a healthy attitude.

Therefore, we should realistically perceive that there is a great schism between negativity and logic. Of course when things are going wrong around us and if we discuss them, we are not called pessimists but realists. The world of realism is completely a distinct place from optimism and pessimism. I have never heard that thinking positive could bring a new light to someone’s life, and on the other hand, thinking negative bogged down a person. So we should be holding shreds of positivity with ourselves, but we also need to stay realistic at the same time.

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