As we are all aware of school/college homework burdens given to students by teachers, make a huge gap between welcoming relationship of students and teachers, here are some very true reasons all teachers out there need to see and understand.
Starting from hours of stress even before beginning to do the homework is deemed exhausting and wearisome according to most of the students. And for me, homework is the only awful job that does not let me be a good buff of school, and because of which my signals can never accommodate with any educational environment. Teachers always demand us to submit our homework under the wire, but honestly, I feel they have never ever tried to walk with our shoes. Obviously, doing an acceptable work needs at least three or four hours to be done, and for sure it’s not any spontaneous duty push a button and receive a full on work printed for us by any magical machine. We need to focus mentally on that one page work with all of us. For which tedious job that bores me to death, I cannot give half of my day just to bring out a well done
Well, I do not back down that homework is the only preserver which creates a veneer over each subject we learn daily that maintains and modifies our knowledge, but some crusty teachers seem to think our life is concerned only to school or college. It comes in the case of myriad of homework being given to students which makes us feel itinerant in the term of beginning and picking good ideas to put in writing. All teachers may believe that by giving homework they keep students in touch with their studies, while they just unintentionally inject disdain to the interest of learning.
However, I crave the opinion if teachers start to ask students whether on which part of the learning we are interested in, and just let and help us work on that skill excluding the existence of homework burdens. And they will see the latent and innate talents on revealing.
This may look irrelevant, but it usually goes against my grain when i have to sit on that chair for hours, just paying attention to what the teacher is saying, but not being allowed to put put my head on the desk even for a minute if I’m tired as hell. I have no objection to pass the boredom of this coerced obligation everyday except the weekends, but is it really necessary to give us homework for every new subject we study?
Clearly I cannot stand doing homework constantly for four hours almost everyday because it gets in the way of other interesting hobbies and extracurricular. Because the moment I get home, as being an overthinker, I start worrying even how to start that while i need to be relaxing.