
Best Foods That Fuel Your Brain

Boost your brain power with these effective brain foods:

People who eat three servings per day of these brain foods have the brain function of someone five years younger. So if you are looking to sharpen your mental game and take better care of your entire body, get more of these foods in your life and reap the mental (and physical) benefits.

Related: Health Benefits of Cloves

1_Spinach and Other Leafy Greens

According to a recent study, eating lots of fresh leafy greens, like spinach, really can turn back time-by about five years, believe it or not. You can, of course, get your greens in salads, but it’s as easy to throw a handful into soups, sandwiches and other dishes too


Don’t forget the eggs! They have memory-boosting power, protein for your muscles, and lutein for your eyesight — important if you spend time in front of a computer screen. And most importantly, eggs carry huge amount of choline which is literally oil to engine of our brain function, nerve system, muscle movement, supporting energy levels, and maintaining a healthy metabolism.


Put aside the burden of stress before exams, instead take some berries for boosting your memory power. The antioxidants found in raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and cherries are linked to improved short-term memory specially for teenagers who have crowded sorts of brains.


Always first refer to old-fashioned way of a super spice filled with compounds turmeric for protecting your brain health. Studies throughout histories have proven that fresh/powder turmeric helps to reducing depression symptoms and decrease serious signs of anxiety.


Nuts like walnuts are rich in vitamin E. This powerful antioxidant protects cells from the stresses and damage of aging. Researches discovered that people serving walnuts in their diets have lower blood pressure and as well as less stress. So add these detectable crunchy nuts to salad, trail mix and baked goods.


Beans hold famous and significant profile on brain function. They have B Vitamins which are undeniably effective to our brain and nervous system, helping make the neurotransmitters that pass signals between nerves. To mention, they also have iron which keeps red blood cells healthy and ensures that oxygen can be delivered to brain cells well.

7_Peanut Butter

studies have found that foods like nuts and olive oil are protective of brain health and function. How? Nuts’ anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce stress (or oxidative damage) to the brain. Look to peanut butter for a dose of vitamin E. Give your brain a double whammy by choosing a brand of peanut butter.

Also read this: Nutrition Guide For Healthy Breakfast

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